Just a few minutes back, I went to his website - First page in view only talks about 'SALES' and 'PHOTO TOURS'.(I can go to slickdeals.net to browse through all the DEALS and SALES I want)
First pagedown is newsflash about a firmware update for 5D2 and a review on headphones (already starting to get bored)
Next page down is about a new Olympus interchangeable point and shoot camera (wonder how many people come to his site to read his review on a point and shoot camera....I don't) (Already lost interest)
Subsequent few pagedowns are all boring to the point that I close it and come here to rant about it.
Don't get me wrong. I still really like his site...but there isn't anything new that is worthwhile there anymore. I still go there occasionally to read his past posts on tips for better photography...but just a top header link on his website is enough to take me there.
He may be gaining a lot of new readers with the SLR rage these days (everyone and their mom want to buy an SLR because supposedly it will make them a better photographer) and he is good at reviewing every new SLR and lens that lands on the shelves, especially Canon and Nikon ones - which is a good thing for those who are in the market for one.
Please think of ways to keep your older audience engaged with your photography and tips; and not just be a site for reviews, "sales" and "tours". I get it, your site is your primary source of income and you are good at reminding us of that. In fact, in the past, anytime I needed to buy stuff at Amazon, I used to click through your page so that it sent a few cents your way. But not anymore, simply because I'm rarely visiting your site.
/end rant.
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