Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I love you.

I can come here whenever I want. I can post whatever crap I want. I can even choose to not post anything at all!

But you are here, whenever I choose to come

No pressure, nothing to catch up on, no pageviews targets to aim for, no one to impress.

I really do love you.

I have been cheating on you.

I have been trying my hand at being "Social"

GOOGLE PLUS.............
I tried Google Plus. Was pretty refreshing at first...but my enthusiasm and interest soon faded away. Did not like it. It almost felt like a marketplace where people are trying to sell their wares. Also did not help that none of the folks I knew and had in my circles had anything to do with Google Plus. So it was either DRY (of any personal connections) or FLOODED (with self promos).

So long Google Plus but I may have to break up with you one of these days.

A few days back I thought about trying out Twitter. Had an account (hailshapes) for a while now that I was using to sign up for junk. I cleaned it up the other day and tried posting.

Posting on Twitter, I was able to. I kinda like posting there. Short, pointed tweets that I can post and refer to in the future. What I don't get is....if someone starts following me, will it make any sense to them at all.

Following folks on Twitter was a nightmare. Either I don't know the right folks/feeds to follow. Or I just don't belong to this Twitter generation. I login to twitter when I have something to tweet. Again the same thing....it is either DRY or FLOODED.

Just can't keep up.

Aha! Folks either like it or hate it. I had a facebook account too.

I had a Facebook account for a long time. The one I used to sign up for spam, sweepstakes and stuff in between.

What I did not have was a Facebook account for Shailesh Pai. Not until I a few of months back when I finally decided to create an account, my account.

I got a bunch of "Friend" request over the next few weeks and whenever I logged in, I started accepting them. I still don't get idea of Be-friending on facebook, Liking something, Poking someone, etc. Well, I get it but I still don't get the idea behind it.

Will it be rude if I did not like a Friend's kid's pic but I liked some other Friend's wife's birthday party pic? Will my Father Friend be offended that I Liked the Husband Friend but not him?

What if I did not accept a Friend request from a guy in office but I BeFriended my boss? Does it make me a brown-noser?

I just can't handle the pressure.

Not trying to be a smartass either. Of all three of my mistresses, I like Facebook the best...I just don't think I like it enough.

However, I rather spend my time on Slickdeals and Reddit than any of the three above.

And then of course, I have you, my blog.

I love you,

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