Saturday, July 30, 2011

KenRockwell is boring now :(

It used to be a very good, informative site. But now, most of his posts are about some super expensive leica cameras, vintage lenses, "sales" and "exclusive discounts" at his "favorite" Adorama and other stores.

Just a few minutes back, I went to his website - First page in view only talks about 'SALES' and 'PHOTO TOURS'.(I can go to to browse through all the DEALS and SALES I want)

First pagedown is newsflash about a firmware update for 5D2 and a review on headphones (already starting to get bored)

Next page down is about a new Olympus interchangeable point and shoot camera (wonder how many people come to his site to read his review on a point and shoot camera....I don't)  (Already lost interest)

Subsequent few pagedowns are all boring to the point that I close it and come here to rant about it.

Don't get me wrong. I still really like his site...but there isn't anything new that is worthwhile there anymore. I still go there occasionally to read his past posts on tips for better photography...but just a top header link on his website is enough to take me there.

He may be gaining a lot of new readers with the SLR rage these days (everyone and their mom want to buy an SLR because supposedly it will make them a better photographer) and he is good at reviewing every new SLR and lens that lands on the shelves, especially Canon and Nikon ones - which is a good thing for those who are in the market for one.

Please think of ways to keep your older audience engaged with your photography and tips; and not just be a site for reviews, "sales" and "tours". I get it, your site is your primary source of income and you are good at reminding us of that. In fact, in the past, anytime I needed to buy stuff at Amazon, I used to click through your page so that it sent a few cents your way. But not anymore, simply because I'm rarely visiting your site.

To end this rant (may be I should have started with this...), I want to say - Thank you Mr. Rockwell; you are a supersmart guy and you have helped me a lot in my photography journey. But...

/end rant.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh Blackberry

Oh Blackberry, how much suckier can your camera get?
My 3 year old Nokia and 5 year old Ericsson
Took better pictures in the hands of my son!
How bad would it have been for your bottom line,
To spend 10 buckaroos for a half decent camera
On this Blackberry of mine???

Social Science

Facebook? Yes, have an account to sign up for sweepstakes and receive spam
Twitter? Yes, have an account filled with spam tweets from Amazon to ZipZoomFly
FourSquare? Nope
Android Device? Nope
iDevice? Nope
Google Plus? Yes...but already going the spammy way
Actively participating Forums? None...dormant in one
Blog? This one with as many readers as my last name
Am I a social recluse?
Do I mind it?
Should I mind it?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Never gonna give you up

I got RickRolled today.

Was browsing
Cos I had nothing better to do
I scrolled to the bottom but did not stop
Until I hit the rock

There were these sites
That Amazon had bought
There was Diapers, Soap, DPReview
Zappos, Aubile, IMDB and Shopbop

And then there it was.
All by itself with a description that read
"Never gonna Give you up"
I wondered why it said, what it said

So I clicked.
Was taken straight to Woot
With a Daily Deal on Zoku
But right next to the set top box
Was dear old Astley

"Never gonna give you up"

Yes my friends
I got RickRolled
By Amazon
By Woot
By the curious puss
In my Boot

(Just so that you know
You go directly to Woot
You don't get Rick
Nor do you get to hum...

Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you)

Friday, July 22, 2011

My newest toy...

Got one of these last week from Best 6 minutes of flytime you can have for 18 bucks and  60 minutes of USB charging!

Buy it here. You won't be disappointed!